Splatoon 2: il datamining della versione 1.11 mostra nuove e vecchie mappe ed armi in arrivo?

Come con ARMS, nelle ultime ore è stato effettuato un datamining dei dati della versione 1.11 di Splatoon 2, che rivelerebbe i prossimi contenuti inseriti da Nintendo nel titolo.

Dai dati riportati da OatmealDome su Reddit, sarebbero due le nuove mappe inserite in futuro da Nintendo, rinominate con la dicitura Line e Tunnel.

Ci sarebbe anche il ritorno di due vecchi stage (in versione migliorata  rinnovata), di Kelp Dome (Serra di alghe) e il tanto odiato e apprezzato Blackbelly Skatepark, ovvero la vecchia Pista Polposkate.

Tra le armi pare possano essere incluse delle nuove del brand Grizzco, (Blaster, Charger, and Brella) oltre ad una nuova arma denominata Squeezer.

Novità anche per la Salmon Run, che si arricchirà di due nuovi stage, Shakehouse e Threepoints, e il possibile arrivo (desiderato sin dal primo capitolo) delle Octolings, selezionabili tramite la personalizzazione del personaggio, ovvero nella scelta tra Ragazza Inkling, Ragazzo Inkling e appunto Octolings.

Potete trovare i dati completi del datamining di Splatoon 2, in calce all’articolo.

Some information on upcoming maps:

  • Incomplete files for revamped versions of Kelp Dome and Blackbelly Skatepark have been introduced in the 1.1.1 update
  • There are additional maps named Line and Tunnel which are in development
  • Placeholder images for maps revealed in the Direct named Kawa and Pillar are present. (thanks to the people at TCRF!)
  • Nintendo is including testing versions of Shifty Station in the updates; however, for Splatfest the game downloads the real stage model and layout file separately. This explains why the existing files include debug and test objects.
  • The developers are currently testing new Salmon Run stages with internal names of Shakehouse and Threepoints. New files for these maps have been introduced in the 1.1.1 update as well. These are the last of the 4 planned stages for Salmon Run as of version 1.0.0.

How about some upcoming weapons?

  • Grizzco brand weapons are in the works. A Blaster, Charger, and Brella were found in the files.
  • A new weapon type called the Squeezer is in development. Here is Sheldon’s explanation text for the Squeezer and an alternate version of it.
  • You can find more about upcoming weapons on the full Splatoon 2 weapons list. (Thank you Lean for providing this service!)

A quick word about Octolings:

  • What was known as the player’s gender from the original Splatoon has now been replaced by a parameter called PlayerType.
  • Another parameter called PlayerType shares the same values as another parameter, ModelType.
  • The possible values for these parameters are SquidGirlSquidBoy, and Oct.
  • Near those values, we have found an additonal value named OctBoy. This is based solely on information found in the Splatoon 2 executable; we do not have models, text, etc for boy Octolings at the moment.
  • Additonally, since the values of PlayerType and ModelType are shared, we cannot confirm that the Octolings will be playable either without testing in-game (which isn’t possible for any of us to do).

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